Will Craig


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Will Craig

Post by INbuc »

Will Craig just knocked in his 100th RBI of the year in his 130th game. In his first two seasons he hit Only 8 HR in over 800 plate appearances. This season he has 20 HR in 467 at bats. At least he is on a good uptick.

100 RBI. Congratulations Will.
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Will Craig

Post by RichD »

100 rbi and only 20hr and low batting avg. is pretty "clutch " not a lot of 2b either . Not sure what to think about him. Maybe at AAA next year he puts it all together .Pirates sure could use a guy that will give you 100 per season on the regular its been awhile (Bay).
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Will Craig

Post by Ecbucs »

0A313B301C580 wrote: 100 rbi and only 20hr and low batting avg. is pretty "clutch " not a lot of 2b either . Not sure what to think about him. Maybe at AAA next year he puts it all together .Pirates sure could use a guy that will give you 100 per season on the regular its been awhile (Bay).

seems like 20 homers is pretty good for Altoona and in Eastern League in general. This season gets him back on prospect track in my book. Needs to keep power and improve average/oba next year. He was selected as best defensive first baseman in EL too.
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Joined: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:04 am

Will Craig

Post by Speedloader88 »

Wow..... haven't been on the board in awhile. Things seem really dead. I'm guessing the organization has killed all enthusiasm now. If this board is dead....... the Bucs are in desperate fan condition.
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