Proposal For 2021 Season


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Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by NJBucsFan »

5C7A7D68616D7A6C640F0 wrote: Fewer games, expanded playoffs and the DH. I guess I'm just old now that none of that seems like a good idea. Between the clownball rules, the Covid weirdness and the horrendous team I largely checked out last year. Have you ever been in a relationship for a long time, and then realized "oh wow, they've changed so much that they're really not the person I fell for in the first place." It's kinda like that.

I don't care about whether I'm a stick in the mud, or what's best for the union or the owners or anything like that. I just know we're drifting so much away from the game I fell in love with, that I'm less apt to really be engaged.

In all fairness, I think the same thing is said by every generation about every sport. I find it interesting to hear people talk about "how they USED to play the game" referring to whatever sport they were talking about-in the 90's!

it all went downhill when gloves got bigger and players used more than 3 bats in a season.  Not to mention batting gloves and base running gloves.

Doc used to complain about catchers wearing protective gear and electricity, just to further an example.

OK kids, I'm checking out of here too. I like what I like, not sure why that needed snark. Have fun yelling at each other.
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Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by Ecbucs »

4440487F69794C6B640A0 wrote: Fewer games, expanded playoffs and the DH. I guess I'm just old now that none of that seems like a good idea. Between the clownball rules, the Covid weirdness and the horrendous team I largely checked out last year. Have you ever been in a relationship for a long time, and then realized "oh wow, they've changed so much that they're really not the person I fell for in the first place." It's kinda like that.

I don't care about whether I'm a stick in the mud, or what's best for the union or the owners or anything like that. I just know we're drifting so much away from the game I fell in love with, that I'm less apt to really be engaged.

In all fairness, I think the same thing is said by every generation about every sport. I find it interesting to hear people talk about "how they USED to play the game" referring to whatever sport they were talking about-in the 90's!

it all went downhill when gloves got bigger and players used more than 3 bats in a season.  Not to mention batting gloves and base running gloves.

Doc used to complain about catchers wearing protective gear and electricity, just to further an example.

OK kids, I'm checking out of here too. I like what I like, not sure why that needed snark. Have fun yelling at each other.

I didn't intend any snark, just saying every change that baseball has made has probably irritated some fans. I am old enough to remember batting gloves coming in to vogue but players have changed bats often in my lifetime.

Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

577176636A6671676F040 wrote: Fewer games, expanded playoffs and the DH. I guess I'm just old now that none of that seems like a good idea. Between the clownball rules, the Covid weirdness and the horrendous team I largely checked out last year. Have you ever been in a relationship for a long time, and then realized "oh wow, they've changed so much that they're really not the person I fell for in the first place." It's kinda like that.

I don't care about whether I'm a stick in the mud, or what's best for the union or the owners or anything like that. I just know we're drifting so much away from the game I fell in love with, that I'm less apt to really be engaged.

In all fairness, I think the same thing is said by every generation about every sport. I find it interesting to hear people talk about "how they USED to play the game" referring to whatever sport they were talking about-in the 90's!

it all went downhill when gloves got bigger and players used more than 3 bats in a season.  Not to mention batting gloves and base running gloves.

[highlight]Doc used to complain about catchers wearing protective gear and electricity, just to further an example.[/highlight]

What is this "electricity" you speak of?

Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by Bobster21 »

082E2F382E3E4D0 wrote: Fewer games, expanded playoffs and the DH. I guess I'm just old now that none of that seems like a good idea. Between the clownball rules, the Covid weirdness and the horrendous team I largely checked out last year. Have you ever been in a relationship for a long time, and then realized "oh wow, they've changed so much that they're really not the person I fell for in the first place." It's kinda like that.

I don't care about whether I'm a stick in the mud, or what's best for the union or the owners or anything like that. I just know we're drifting so much away from the game I fell in love with, that I'm less apt to really be engaged.

In all fairness, I think the same thing is said by every generation about every sport. I find it interesting to hear people talk about "how they USED to play the game" referring to whatever sport they were talking about-in the 90's!

it all went downhill when gloves got bigger and players used more than 3 bats in a season.  Not to mention batting gloves and base running gloves.

Doc used to complain about catchers wearing protective gear and electricity, just to further an example.

OK kids, I'm checking out of here too. I like what I like, not sure why that needed snark. Have fun yelling at each other.

I didn't intend any snark, just saying every change that baseball has made has probably irritated some fans. I am old enough to remember batting gloves coming in to vogue but players have changed bats often in my lifetime.
Our ages have a lot to do with our perspectives. Baseball has always been a game of tradition. Long time fans appreciate the consistency of the game thru the years. When I became a fan there were two 8-team leagues. No divisions. No DH. No free agency. The biggest changes to teams were trades of talent for talent and top rookies joining teams. And every player was playing for next year's contract. In fact, several of the 1960 Pirates were playing for less money than in 1959 if they slumped in '59.

Now there are 30 teams, a DH, 6 divisions, multiple rounds of playoffs, star players choosing to play elsewhere, star players being traded only because they will choose to play elsewhere, automatic walks, 3 batter limits for relievers, and more changes to come. Today's owners couldn't care less about the traditions of baseball. And younger fans are not entrenched in the game as it was was played for so long. So changes don't seem like such a big deal to them. And when the minimum player salary is over a half a million, the owners' primary concern is marketing to generate the maximum revenue. And if changes can make the game more marketable to a younger audience they are going to do it. Looking at it objectively (rather than how I prefer it), I guess that's reasonable. But I found MLB more enjoyable before it changed so much.
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Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by Surgnbuck »

1A1E1621372712353A540 wrote:

OK kids, I'm checking out of here too. I like what I like, not sure why that needed snark. Have fun yelling at each other.

I wasn't making any snark, I was just busting Doc's chops with another old joke. All I was trying to say is people pick up a game at some point in their lives, and at some point, the game changes to where they aren't sure they enjoy it anymore. I remember hearing guys in their 60's when I was a kid complaining about all the night games and astroturf. I'm in my 60's, and guys my age tend to refer to things like the DH. Every generation talks about how ticket prices are so high from when they were young.

sorry if I came across as snarky, not my intention.

Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

013F3A32213939321237203364560 wrote: Just one month of Spring Training.  The players will love that.  It seems way too long to me from mid-February to the end of March.

I am sure that you will be elated to hear that in the proposal the DH will continue in the NL for another season :D

I know it's inevitable that it will one day be a permanent part of the NL and, when it happens, I'll become a little more disinterested in MLB. As a consumer, I get to decide what I like and what I'm willing to buy. I'm becoming less inclined to buy what they're selling.

The thing that's holding me to major league baseball is the amazing play still seen on the field, particularly defensive play. All of the HRs, strikeouts, and walks are eroding my interest but I'm still enthralled by what players can do defensively.

I try to divorce myself from the off-the-field stuff but it's hard to do. It's hard to have feelings of concern for so many rich guys fighting over billions of dollars. I find the lust for greed intolerable, even as a big believer in free markets.

Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

I was just reminded that today, February 2, is the anniversary of the formation of the National League in 1876. Happy 146th, NL.

Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by Bobster21 »

346274606F75656E637446616B676F6A2865060 wrote: I was just reminded that today, February 2, is the anniversary of the formation of the National League in 1876.  Happy 146th, NL.   
In June 1876 Custer and a large portion of the 7th Cavalry were killed or wounded at the Little Big Horn. The 7th had a baseball team led by Capt. Benteen. Pvt "Fatty" Williams (2B) had signed a contract with the Pittsburgh Alleghenies to join them when his enlistment was up. Sgt. Joe McCurry (pitcher) expected to sign a pro contract soon. Williams and McCurry were in Benteen's company which had a separate fight from Custer's. They survived the battle but both sustained wounds that ended their chances of playing pro ball.
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Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by Aaron »

This is the list of future Pirate GMs that will be hired by Bob Nutting:

Dan Flemington

Jim Billington

Fred Markington

Pete Remington

Jeff Connington

Mick Dennington

Alen Hanson


Proposal For 2021 Season

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

153835242332256566570 wrote: I was just reminded that today, February 2, is the anniversary of the formation of the National League in 1876.  Happy 146th, NL.   
In June 1876 Custer and a large portion of the 7th Cavalry were killed or wounded at the Little Big Horn. The 7th had a baseball team led by Capt. Benteen. Pvt "Fatty" Williams (2B) had signed a contract with the Pittsburgh Alleghenies to join them when his enlistment was up. Sgt. Joe McCurry (pitcher) expected to sign a pro contract soon. Williams and McCurry were in Benteen's company which had a separate fight from Custer's. They survived the battle but both sustained wounds that ended their chances of playing pro ball. 

As a former History, I am very impressed
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