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Post by Ecbucs »

what should we expect from him this season?

Was he rushed back because of injuries to Marte and Dickerson?

Why has he regressed in the field (at least so far this season?)

If he his a butcher with the glove and has no arm then he isn't useful for anything other than pinch hitting.

Last year his ops was 839 and OPS plus was 127. I think his offense needs to at least match that to overcome his fielding woes.

Coming back from injury I doubt he can match those numbers. It doesn't look to me like he is going to hit the doubles and triples he hit last year so his slugging will go down.


Post by maher.timothy20@gm »

Give him time. I assumed it would take a good month for him to get back into it. He didn't have any spring training. If he's still struggling by the third week of May, I'll worry.

His defense never was any good and that won't change.
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Post by notes34 »

At this point once Dickerson and Marte return I think Polanco has to become a part time player. Melky is playing out of his mind. He needs to stay in the lineup.


Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

29283322347473470 wrote: At this point once Dickerson and Marte return I think Polanco has to become a part time player. Melky is playing out of his mind. He needs to stay in the lineup.

Melky May be our best OF regardless of injuries. I don’t know how he can sit.


Post by Bobster21 »

717660686671363A43646E626A6F2D606C6E030 wrote: At this point once Dickerson and Marte return I think Polanco has to become a part time player. Melky is playing out of his mind. He needs to stay in the lineup.

Melky May be our best OF regardless of injuries. I don’t know how he can sit. 

Don't underestimate Hurdle's ability to make counterproductive decisions.
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Post by notes34 »

It will definitely play to Hurlde's idea of players getting plenty of rest. ;D


Post by Bobster21 »

I watched the game yesterday on MLB.TV and overlaid the radio broadcast to spare myself from having to listen to Joe Block. Greg Brown seemed very upset at how bad Polanco is playing in the OF, mentioning several times that Polanco just has to get better.
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Post by Roberto218 »

I have seen Polanco make some nice fielding plays. The problem is his arm. Move him to LF?


Post by Bobster21 »

0C313C3B2C2A316C6F665E0 wrote: I have seen Polanco make some nice fielding plays. The problem is his arm. Move him to LF?
It's not only his arm. At least 3 times last week he misplayed balls off the wall by running right up to the wall where he couldn't play the rebound and then having to chase it after it bounced back while runners took an extra base. He also seemed to have trouble coming in for a ball. He's always been a poor fundamental outfielder but he had a strong arm. But now that's a problem too.
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